ConsiderIt’s mission is to engage our children to think about their community- other people, animals, and our environment through reusing, recycling, and contributing where the community has needs. Let’s challenge them to take little steps and consider the world outside of their world. Just think of the impact we can make by doing a few small things together each year. Now multiply that by the number of children we have, and together we can move things in the right direction!

Each drive addresses the needs of one community facility, asking kids to bring specific items from home. For example, the Humane Society has identified that they need eco-friendly cleaning supplies and small bags of kitten and puppy chow. Donations are then placed in a ConsiderIt bin where a volunteer will bag and distribute the goods to the appropriate location.The idea is that if we keep it simple and focused, we can enjoy giving back and teach our children how simple yet essential it is to consider the needs around us.

Want to help your school or organization get ConsiderIt? Giving back can be so easy.: All you have to do is this:

First, let me know your interest level. (Say yes and help spread the love!) I will help you tailor this list to meet the needs in your own community, and work with you to figure out a schedule that works for you and your preschool. I'll send you a Starter Packet. Then, you hit up your preschool or organization for their approval to start this simple but meaningful program, and gain permission to send flyers to teachers and home to parents. Make sure to recruit volunteers if people are offering to help after flyers go out! Many parents have come to me saying they feel like they don’t do enough outside their homes, and want to help with simple yet essential things like driving donations to the drop-off site. One pick-up and drop off helps so much.

Second, buy a bin for the donations, and some (recycled) trash bags. I bought a clear plastic bin from Target for under $10, I think. I will send you the logo sticker to put on your bin.

Give teachers a copy of the “teacher flyer” (will be in the snailmail packet I will send you) to explain about ConsiderIt and encourage their participation. My preschool volunteered to make the copies for me…. Hopefully yours will be excited about the program as well.

Give parents a copy of the “parent flyer” (in your packet too).

Put the bin in an obvious place, pick up donations as necessary, and deliver at your convenience to the designated place.

If you could email me a little bit of information, it would be terrific. Send me the name and address of your preschool and any volunteers that are helping you, and a bag count of the donations. I would love to keep track of people helping out, and what we’ve collected and recycled in our communities. My hope is that this project will grow and grow; so if anyone else wants to start up a program in another preschool, encourage it, and let me know how to get in touch with them! Most of all I want this to be both easy and rewarding for everyone involved. Just “consider” the difference we can make, especially if our tots become more considerate of the needs around them.

Feel free to email me with any questions/ kinks/ concerns, and thank you again for your help with ConsiderIt!

Many thanks,

Jane Ellison, parent and founder

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