ConsiderIt’s mission is to engage our children to think about their community- other people, animals, and our environment through reusing, recycling, and contributing where the community has needs. Let’s challenge them to take little steps and consider the world outside of their world. Just think of the impact we can make by doing a few small things together each year. Now multiply that by the number of children we have, and together we can move things in the right direction!

Each drive addresses the needs of one community facility, asking kids to bring specific items from home. For example, the Humane Society has identified that they need eco-friendly cleaning supplies and small bags of kitten and puppy chow. Donations are then placed in a ConsiderIt bin where a volunteer will bag and distribute the goods to the appropriate location.The idea is that if we keep it simple and focused, we can enjoy giving back and teach our children how simple yet essential it is to consider the needs around us.
2011-2012 ConsiderIt Calendar
September : Recycle Children’s Books: Lots of places in town need book donations! We will distribute them to the Literacy Council, the Domestic Violence Shelter, area Pediatrician’s offices, the Children’s Hospital, or donate them to the library for their book sale! Start saving your “little treasures” to be collected at Christmastime!

October: Children’s Museum of Wilmington’s birthday month so let’s save this month to give birthday presents! ITEMS for 2011 TBA! Last years’s suggestions include: Art supplies, Wooden Thomas the Train engines, dress up costumes (new or gently worn), sandbox toys, bubble solution, toy kaleidoscopes, toy plastic food, camping gear, golf tees, glow in the dark stuff, new white socks, bandaids, gauze, flat white sheets

November: Good Shepherd House- canned goods (beans, veggies, pasta sauce), condiments, napkins, forks, spoons, toiletries, any other items from the wishlist found at:

December: Merry Christmas !! This month, we will be helping with an organization that I just learned about.... NourishNC.  This non-profit sends backpacks of food home with hungry children.  Specifically identified needs are: Slim Jims, Peanut Butter, 15oz cans of ravioli, fruit, and veggies, Granola Bars, Applesauce, and Mac & Cheese.

January: Lifeline Pregnancy Center: diapers, newborn clothing, new bottles, baby soap and lotion

February: Continuing to collect for Nourish NC, and also collecting school supplies and children's books to donate to Mary C. Williams School here in Wilmington where a former FSOW teacher now works

March: Collecting food for NourishNC, School supplies for Mary C. Williams, and sneakers to be recycled within our community at Omega Sports

April: Humane Society- recycled trash bags, eco- friendly cleaning supplies, paper towels, small bags of kitty & puppy chow, large blankets and towels (old and new)

May: TBA! open to parent/ staff suggestions!

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