ConsiderIt’s mission is to engage our children to think about their community- other people, animals, and our environment through reusing, recycling, and contributing where the community has needs. Let’s challenge them to take little steps and consider the world outside of their world. Just think of the impact we can make by doing a few small things together each year. Now multiply that by the number of children we have, and together we can move things in the right direction!

Each drive addresses the needs of one community facility, asking kids to bring specific items from home. For example, the Humane Society has identified that they need eco-friendly cleaning supplies and small bags of kitten and puppy chow. Donations are then placed in a ConsiderIt bin where a volunteer will bag and distribute the goods to the appropriate location.The idea is that if we keep it simple and focused, we can enjoy giving back and teach our children how simple yet essential it is to consider the needs around us.
Check this out!  A new, wonderful cause that helps feed hungry children right here in New Hanover County.  Did you know that there are over 5000 children at or below the poverty level in New Hanover County?  UGGH!  We've gotta do something!  I'm thrilled to be running a ConsiderIt drive to help them this December.

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